Friday, June 18, 2010

Travel to Nagshead-How? When?

Just a note that Joel and I are planning to drive to Richmond on Saturday where we will spend the night and rent a mini van. Sunday we expect to meet up with Josh and Saro in Richmond and drive on to Cove REalty to pick up the key to the cottage and see you all there later that evening. We will return the same route and hope to drop down to visit Austin and Brooke in our own car.

1 comment:

Eikler said...

Our plans are likely to leave after church Sunday, get a good "napsworth" of driving in, and play it leisurely for the rest of the evening (stopping at any interesting sites, picnic supper, etc) until the boys are asleep and then push through the rest of the night.

It is supposedly an 8 hour trip from Morgantown, so we might aim for a midnight arrival...